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About Brendon

I'm Brendon and I'm a bit of a nerd. After being laid off at work and coming out of an 8 year relationship I decided it was time to take control of my life and get out and see the world. I sold all my stuff and left on a backpacking adventure through Latin America to level myself up.

Getting Almost Stranded In The Jungle To Chichen Itza!


So after 5 days of bumming around on the beach getting basking  in the sun like a sea lion and 5 nights of partying into the early morning in Playa Del Carmen. I decided it was time to do something touristy and head to one of the modern wonders of the world Chichen Itza.


Foodgasm Friday: Mexican Food Aplenty


I've been in Mexico now for over 9 days and I have to say that before coming to Mexico I was never really a Mexican food fan. I could count the amount of times I have eaten it in the past 10 years on one hand. However that has all changed  in the last week.


7 Days on the Road!


So its already been one week since I started my Latin American adventure and time has flown by.I arrived in Playa Del Carmen with plans to stay for 4 days I ended up staying there for 7. I really am falling in love with this care free go with the flow travel lifestyle. I've met


Photo Of The Week- Playa Del Carmen, Mexico


Week 1 - Beach Playa Del Carmen So this is the first post in my new photo series creatively called "Photo of the Week". Each week I will chose one of my favorite photos I've taken that either looks the most awesome or I feel really sums up my experience for that week and feature


Playing It Up In Playa Del Carmen


Me at Montreal Airport right before leaving. So it's been 4 days since my trip began and I arrived in Playa Del Carmen Mexico. I have to admit on the couple of days before I arrived I was a bit nervous about about the start of my trip but upon arriving that all


Foodgasm Friday: Poutine


Anyone who knows me knows that I LOVE food. This new weekly series of posts called "Foodgasm Friday" I will share with you all the most foodgasm inducing foods I have tried over the week. Foodgasm Friday posts can be found by selecting travel food from the drop down menu. Poutine you delicious delicious bastard (Frite

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Au Revoir Montreal, Hola Mexico!


I can't believe the moment is finally here.All my stuff is sold, my apartment keys have been handed in so i'm officially homeless and i'm just 2 hrs away from beginning a 6-8 month backpacking adventure through Latin America. The last week has gone so ridiculously quick. I've met up with so many friends and had going


XP Round Up 1


When I originally started this blog back at the start of September (Wow has it only been 2 months it feels way longer) In my very post Building Up From Rock Bottom! I stated how I wanted to intergrate a level up system into my travels. Mainly because I'm a giant nerd but secondly because this


Furniture Free and My Plan for Latin America!


 So it's 2am in the morning and i'm sitting here in the dark on the floor of my now furniture-less apartment on a make shift bed made out of a rug, various pillows and a couple of blankets as the song  "Try" by Pink loops for about the 50th time.(haha, don't know why I cant stop


The 5 Ways Video Games Have Prepared Me For Travel


I've always had a passion for video games, Even when I was a little kid growing up my parents would hound me saying "Why don't you go outside!" or "Why don't you do something more productive with your time" , However that changed when I ended up making a career in the video game industry
