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What Vaccinations Do You Need When Backpacking Latin America?


So after much procrastinating I finally got myself to the travel vaccination clinic in Montreal today and ticked another thing of my list  Stuff To Do Before The Adventure Begins!. My first piece of advice to anyone planning on getting vaccinations is.. Start Your Vaccinations early! Many of the vaccinations require a series of vaccinations


Choosing A Day Pack For Your DSLR Camera And Laptop On A Budget


So you've decided that you want to take your DSLR Camera and a laptop/tablet with you on your backpacking journey, But every DSLR camera bag you look at is too expensive or doesn't fit your laptop as well, and now your left with the conundrum on what type of bag to get that stores your


What To Pack For A 6 Month Backpacking Adventure In Latin America.


What to pack the question I have been wrestling with ever since I first started planning my trip. I have read many other blog posts on what to take on an extended backpacking trip and the general consensus tends to be "Whatever your thinking of packing your probably packing too much". With that kind of